New website, new Wrapz

Featured image from “15 Minute News”

The best restaurants in Montreal to get a wrap.

Wrapz is a wrap restaurant, where you can eat food nicely ‘wrapped’ up in a tortilla. Over the past few years, we have set up 3 restaurants in Montreal, and we want to continue and grow even further. With the upcoming release of our new wraps (learn more in the newsletter, click here for subscription page), business has been increasing, so we have decided to invest more into online advertising.

At first, we started as a small group, consisting of a few friends and cousins, renting out a food truck and cooking up a storm. Now, that storm has been refined to perfection and confined into a more accessible format, which is now named Wrapz! There have been troubles along the way, such as the everlasting Covid menace, or that one time a member of the “language” police tried to shut us down for not speaking enough French, but we have strived through those challenges, and we came out even stronger.

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